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Apartment ventilation.
The apartment is fitted with a Vent-Axia "whole-house" heat recovery ventilation system, the central fan unit being located in the utility cupboard. The system trickle extracts from the kitchen and bathroom areas, recovering heat via an air-to-air heat exchanger and distributes slightly warmed fresh air into the corners of the habitable rooms. There is a boost speed for busy times controlled by a switch in the utility cupboard.
This system is designed to be left on all the time and will keep the apartment fresh and dry without wasting valuable energy.
A side effect is that house plants tend to dry out quite fast & stored vegetable's can become desiccated
Apartment ventilation.
The apartment is fitted with a Vent-Axia "whole-house" heat recovery ventilation system, the central fan unit being located in the utility cupboard. The system trickle extracts from the kitchen and bathroom areas, recovering heat via an air-to-air heat exchanger and distributes slightly warmed fresh air into the corners of the habitable rooms. There is a boost speed for busy times controlled by a switch in the utility cupboard.
This system is designed to be left on all the time and will keep the apartment fresh and dry without wasting valuable energy.
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